Nicolas Cage Expresses Interest in Star Trek Role, Dreams of Being on the USS Enterprise

News - 8 February 2024
During a promotional interview for his film The Old Way in 2023, Nicolas Cage expressed his admiration for the sci-fi franchise Star Trek, stating that he is a big fan and would love to work on the Enterprise. Reflecting on his love for the original series and its iconic characters like Captain James T. Kirk, Mr.

Spock, and Dr. Leonard McCoy, Cage emphasized the socially relevant commentary and wisdom that the show's stories often conveyed.nnIn a recent interview with TrekMovie at the 51st annual Saturn Awards, Cage fondly recalled his 'trekkie' roots, remarking, "I'm a 'trekkie'.

I grew up with Shatner, Nimoy and Bones, and those stories had a lot of socially relevant commentary and wisdom." Despite not currently being in talks for a Star Trek role, the actor mentioned having had discussions with Paramount Studios about potential opportunities within the franchise.nnWhile Cage has not received any concrete offers to join the Star Trek universe, he noted, "There were a few calls with Paramount.

I don't know, I would have to see a script." Expressing his desire to bring his own unique flair to any Star Trek project, he added, "It would have to be something that I can really add my flavor to; some pop and some spark. I wouldn't want to just do anything because I have so much love for the franchise.

"nnOne of Cage's ultimate dreams is to step onto the iconic bridge of the USS Enterprise, stating, "I want to be on the Enterprise. Ideally, I should be on the Enterprise somehow. I want to be on the bridge, but they have to bring it to me.

" Despite his enthusiasm for the possibility of joining the Star Trek universe, Cage emphasized the importance of finding the right project that resonates with him creatively.nnAs a veteran actor with a diverse range of roles under his belt, Nicolas Cage's interest in Star Trek and eagerness to collaborate with the franchise has undoubtedly piqued the curiosity of fans and industry insiders alike. With his passion for the series and willingness to inject his own distinctive style into any potential role, Cage could potentially bring a fresh perspective to the beloved sci-fi saga.

nnLooking ahead, it remains to be seen whether Cage will indeed find his way onto the bridge of the Enterprise or embark on a different Star Trek adventure. Regardless of the outcome, his admiration for the franchise and hope to contribute to its legacy serve as a testament to the enduring appeal and cultural impact of Star Trek in popular culture. Nicolas Cage's journey from 'trekkie' fan to potential franchise collaborator is a reminder of the power of storytelling and the ability of creative visionaries to leave their mark on beloved works of fiction.