Dan Aykroyd Reflects on Past Work and Evolving Comedy Standards

News - 30 June 2023
Dan Aykroyd, a well-known actor and comedian, is approaching his 71st birthday. He gained fame for his role in Ghostbusters, a popular film about a group of ghost hunters. Another one of his successful films is Trading Places, which recently celebrated its 40th anniversary.

Aykroyd reflects on his past work, acknowledging that times have changed since he portrayed a character in blackface in Trading Places alongside his co-star Eddie Murphy.nnIn a recent interview, Aykroyd expressed his thoughts on the controversial scene in Trading Places where he appears in blackface. He admitted that such a portrayal would not be acceptable in today's society.

He stated, "I was in blackface in that movie. I wouldn't get away with that now, I don't think." The actor recognizes that times have changed and what was once considered acceptable in the past may now be viewed as offensive.

nnReflecting on the social experiment portrayed in Trading Places, Aykroyd commented on the dynamics between his character and Murphy's character in the film. He described the film as a wise and hilarious social experiment that resonated with audiences. Despite the success of the film at the time, Aykroyd now acknowledges the potential harm that such portrayals can have on marginalized communities.

nnAykroyd further discussed the impact of comedy in today's society, noting the importance of avoiding offensive humor. He emphasized the need for comedians to be mindful of their impressions and portrayals to prevent causing harm or offense to others. Aykroyd explained, "Nowadays, in the world of comedy, a lot can be found without offending each other.

But doing an impression can provoke a discussion."nnLooking towards the future, Aykroyd shared his plans to reprise his role in the upcoming Ghostbusters movie. He is also working on a series based on the iconic film Blues Brothers.

Aykroyd's longevity in the entertainment industry is a testament to his talent and commitment to his craft.nnIn conclusion, Dan Aykroyd's reflections on his past work in Trading Places serve as a reminder of the importance of evolving social norms and cultural sensitivities. While he acknowledges the missteps of his past portrayals, Aykroyd remains dedicated to creating content that is both entertaining and respectful to all audiences.

As he continues his work in the entertainment industry, Aykroyd's journey serves as a lesson in the power of reflection and growth.